
Njallsgaard Shetland Ponies

"The Original Shetland Pony Company"

Each pony from the Njallsgaard Stable is completely hand-crafted in Unst from real Shetland Tweed and Pure Shetland Wool. Its hooves and ears are made from re-cycled leather ,which is also sourced locally. It is filled with shredded woollen fabric mixed with washed and carded fleeces from Shetland sheep, making each one a 100% Pure Shetland Product!

No two ponies are exactly the same. Each one is unique. They come with their very own Shetland name and individual pedigree and are registered in their very own Shetland Pony Stud Book. Although each one is supplied already named, any name can be changed to order and personalised to suit each owner's preference.

Other unique features include:

  • A back blanket (flaki)

  • A klibber (carrying frame)

  • A pair of mesis (woven peat carrying paniers (with peat!!))

Njallsgaard Shetland Ponies are designed to be a collectors' item and not meant as a child's toy. "Peerie Njuggels" (water horses) will fulfil this demand and will be available soon. Watch this space!.

For enquires please refer to the contact page, or to e-mail directly, click here.


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